Law 20: Do Not Commit to Anyone; the Art of Keeping Your Options Open; The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Do not commit to anyone is the 20th law of power in Robert Greene’s book, The 48 Laws of Power. This law states that you should never fully align yourself with one person or group. You should always be willing to switch sides if necessary. This way, you’ll never be at the mercy of anyone else.
Why is it important to keep your options open?
There are a few reasons why this law is important. First, if you commit to one person or group, you become vulnerable to them. They can control you and use you for their own purposes. Second, if you commit to one person or group, you limit your options. You may miss out on opportunities that would have been available to you if you had kept your options open.
How do you apply the 20th law of power in your own life?
Here are a few tips on how to apply the 20th law of power in your own life:
- Be careful about who you trust. Don’t give your full allegiance to anyone.
- Keep your options open. Don’t close yourself off to new opportunities.
- Be willing to switch sides if necessary. Don’t be afraid to change your allegiance if it’s in your best interests.
- Build relationships with people who have influence. This will give you more power and flexibility.
Examples of how the 20th law of power can be applied in real life:
- In a business setting: If you’re working in a company and you’re trying to get a promotion, you don’t want to commit to one person or group. You should keep your options open and talk to as many people as possible who have influence over the promotion process. This way, you’ll increase your chances of getting the promotion.
- In a romantic relationship: If you’re in a romantic relationship and you’re not sure if you want to commit to this person long-term, you can apply the 20th law of power by keeping your options open. You can continue to date this person, but you don’t have to commit to them. You can also keep your eyes open for other potential partners.
The 20th law of power is a powerful tool that can help you achieve success in life. By following the tips above, you can learn to keep your options open and increase your chances of getting what you want.